Friday, February 6, 2009

Shelley had her appointment with the oncologist on Thursday. She met with Dr. Jilani, and after a long appointment she was told that her tumor was going to be sent out for another test, being Oncotype Dx. The results from this test will tell what type of treatment that will be needed, but again she will have to wait for the results another 4 weeks. Shelley’s next appointment will be March 6 with Dr. Jilani.
Next Tuesday she will visit Dr. Johnson again for another check up.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Today Shelley had an appointment with Dr. Johnson and he remove the bolsters. Dr. Johnson is pleased with the way at she is healing. She will be back to see him next Friday for another check up.
Tomorrow she will see the oncologist for what kind of treament she will be having.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Today, Shelley spoke with Dr. Heck and he told her that her cancer was stage 1. He then told her that the next step would be meeting with an oncologist to discuss what kind of treatment would be best for your.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Today Shelley went back to Dr. Johnson’s office and had her drain tubes removed. Over the past several days the drain tubes have been bugging her. She has not been sleeping that well over the last several nights, due to the drain tubes. Several days ago she had stopped taking her pain medicine and is doing well with the pain.
Shelley also received a telephone call from Dr. Heck’s office with the results from the pathology test. She was told that the tumor was 1cm, the margins were negative and the 2 lymph nodes that were removed were also negative.
Once again she has to wait, due to Dr. Heck going out of town for the weekend, and when he returns on Monday we will find out what stage she is and what the next step is going to be.
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers, the power of prayer is awesome. I still ask that you keep her in your prayers. What a happy day!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Shelley in front of the flowers from the gang at aerobics, and all the cards she's received.

On Monday January 26, Shelley visited Dr. Johnson for her first check up since her operation. Dr. Johnson decided to keep the drain tubes in (hopefully will be getting them out towards the end of the week) and he is also keeping the bolsters on until next Friday. The bolsters are stitched around the areola to hold the areola and nipple in place. Shelley’s left breast was a little more red than Dr. Johnson likes, so he changed Shelley’s antibiotic medicine. Shelley is taking less of her pain medicine, which is good.
Please keep Shelley in your thoughts and prayers, and thanks for all the cards, flowers, gifts and dinners it truly means a lot to her.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Today is a great day, I bought Shelley home from the Hospital around 2:30. Shelley is still in a little pain but she is glad to be home.